Winecoast Networking

Top 5 Benefits of Joining a Local
Business Networking Group

When you join a small business referral network, you become a part of an elite business networking group. And we say elite because not nearly enough business owners do it which is a shame because there are huge benefits to be gained from effective networking.

Small business networking groups have been shown to consistently add to the bottom line of business and when you’re considering joining a referral network, this should really be a no-brainer but there is so much more to networking than just the dollars.

Some other big advantages of networking are:

Local business Networking Group McLaren Vale

1. Gives you better ideas & inspiration

You’ve heard the expression that there’s more than one way to skin a cat? Well, there’s more than one way to run a business as well. There are things that you could do that perhaps you’ve never thought of before. If you’re facing a challenge, someone else may have a solution that you’ve never considered. Maybe it’s issues with your team, or a client – guaranteed someone in the group will have experienced that before and be able to help you.

Business Networking Near Me Mclaren Vale Willunga Seaford Aldinga

2. Gives you more 'Business Owner Credibility'

Credibility is so important in the eyes of the consumer and whether you’re starting out or have been in business for a while, being ‘seen’ as an actual ‘Business Owner’ is so important. People will judge you by the people you are seen to surround yourself with. Gaining this sort of respect as a business owner can be so important not only for the clients but also because of the next point…..

3. Increases your confidence

Imposter Syndrome. How many business owners have fallen victim to this feeling before? Most of us, we would suggest given that there are three universal fears that are common to all humans, and they are: the fear of not being loved, the fear of not belonging and the last one, the fear of not being good enough. Being part of networking group can alleviate this for us and gives us the confidence to be the business owners that we are because we know we’re not in it alone and if we need help, we know where to turn.

4. You increase your knowledge

One of the things that separates successful business owners from the average ones, is the desire to learn more and your local business network is the perfect place to do this. You can learn better marketing skills, gain greater financial knowledge and even learn better coping and resilience skills which can be so important when you’re running your own business.

Wine Coast Networking Mclaren Vale

5. Surrounding yourself with like-minds

As a small business owner, this is probably the most important thing. Most people are not in business, so a lot of the people in your friend and relationship circles, don’t fully understand what you, as the business owner, have to deal with daily. They don’t understand that business can be a 24/7 gig or that sometimes we stress over making sure we have enough to pay our team. They don’t understand that many of us constantly have to think of new ways to acquire new customers and keep our existing ones happy. Most people seem to think that owning your own business is all sunshine and roses, and while it’s not all bad, there are times when you just want to talk to people who get it, who understand and who have your back.

 – that’s your Business Networking Group.